Saturday, November 11, 2006

Burning Money Chemistry Demonstration

This is a neat 'magic trick' that illustrates the process of combustion, the flammability of alcohol, and the special qualities of the material used to make currency.

Scientific Concept behind Burning Money

A combustion reaction occurs between alcohol and oxygen, producing heat and light (energy) and carbon dioxide and water.

C2H5OH + 4 O2 -> 2 CO2 + 3 H2O + energy

When the bill is soaked an alcohol-water solution, the alcohol has a high vapor pressure and is mainly on the outside of the material (a bill is more like fabric than paper, which is nice, if you've ever accidentally washed one). When the bill is lit, the alcohol is what actually burns. The temperature at which the alcohol burns is not high enough to evaporate the water, which has a high specific heat, so the bill remains wet and isn't able to catch fire on its own. After the alcohol has burned, the flame goes out, leaving a slightly damp dollar bill.

Here's what you need to do the demonstration...

Shadow Beings

Shadow people (also known as shadow men or shadow beings) are a supernatural phenomenon in which observers report seeing a dark form at the edge of their field of vision, that disintegrates or move in to a wall when noticed, usually within a split second.

Reports of Shadow People are similar to purported ghost sightings, but differ in that Shadow People are not reported as having human features, wearing modern/period clothing, or attempting to communicate. Witnesses also do not report the same feelings of being in the presence of something that ' was once human'.

Some individuals have described being menaced, chased, or (more rarely) attacked by shadow people, there have also been reports of Shadow People appearing in front of witnesses, or lingering for several seconds before disappearing.

Explanations for Shadow People have been drawn from the fields of parapsychology, metaphysics, cryptozoology, demonology, religion, and the occult.

  • manifest thought form (known in occult circles as egre gores or tulpas), meaning that they are either a collection of negative psychic energy, from an area where a dark or traumatic event have taken place, that has taken on form and motive, or a similar force that has been intentionally created.
  • A form of ghost
  • An other-dimensional being whose dimension of origin occasionally overlaps with ours.
  • Many who attach religious significance to the phenomena apply more credit to the demonic explanation. Especially if it is witnessed in places said to be haunted or places where an event of extreme emotional or physical trauma has taken place. Some however have made a connection between the black smoke appearance of these phenomena and the Djinn of Islamic belief. The Djinn are described as normally being invisible to humans and when seen having the appearance of Black smoke, making them very similar in appearance to the phenomena of shadow people. However, some interpret the phenomena to represent guardian angels, warning individuals of impending danger as opposed to negative demonic beings. This could still possibly be linked to the Islamic belief in djinn because the djinn supposedly have the choice of committing good or evil acts according to Islamic belief (similar to man).

  • In Native American Cherokee mythology there is an evil witch known as the Raven Mocker that takes the form of a spectral bird and shifts into a humanoid, shadow-like phantom. These beings are said to steal the souls of the ill or dying. Such creatures are alleged to fear the shaman or medicine man and so do not enter a home where one resides. A medicine man was sought to watch over the infirm and also to watch over the bodies of the recently deceased, as according to myth once the body was buried the Raven Mocker could not steal the soul
Learn More about Shadow People at Coast to Coast am

The Art Bell Poll

Do you think that Art Bell had anything to do with the death of his wife Ramona?

Take the poll here to see what others think about this.

Art Bell's Alleged Filipino Hate Letter

The Letter. Part 1 of 2

This is a copy of the letter that Art Bell talks about on his show, Coast to Coast am.

In my opinion, the structure and quality of this letter, does not look like something that someone as intelligent as Art Bell, would write

The Letter:

“As we’ve all come to notice, in the past few decades, Filipinos have begun to infest the United States like some sort of disease. Their extensive involvement in the U.S. Armed Forces is proof of the trashy kind of qualities all Filipinos tend to exhibit on a regular basis. You can see this clearly by studying the attitudes and cultural Icons of most Filipino Americans.

Are they really Asian? Well we’ve come to accept the fact the Filipinos come from a part of the world known as South East Asia. But the term “Asia” is used in the wrong way. You may notice that contemporary Filipino Americans try very hard to associate themselves with groups that we know as Asian. I cannot count the number of times I have seen a ‘ Third World ‘ Filipino try to connect themselves to the Chinese or Japanese people. There is no connection and here’s why. The Philippines is a Third World country. Nothing respectable has EVER been created by Filipino people during our entire human history. Young Filipino men in America have become obsessed with “import racing”. They have an enormously perverted affection for Japanese cars. It’s a common phenomenon. In their minds, these Filipinos somehow believe that they are Asian and that it somehow connects them to Japanese people and Japanese cars. They often take credit for the ingenuity of Japanese people and say how it’s an “Asian thing”. This term…”Asian thing” derived directly from African American slang “black thang.” “It’s a black thang.” “It’s an Asian thang.”

You can see the connection. It’s even funnier that, in Japan, Filipinos are heavily discriminated against. The only Filipinos that can live successfully in Japan are the Filipino prostitutes. But that’s the case for most Filipino people no matter where they live in the world. Now we’ve come down to this fact…and it is a fact.

Nothing in Filipino Culture can be seen as Asian. They have no architectural, artistic, or cultural influence which is in any way, Asian. Thinking of the great countries in Asia such as Japan , Korea , and China there is no way you can possibly connect the Philippine Islands. This assault by Filipino Americans to connect themselves with the great peoples of North East Asia is foul and disgusting. Try visiting a young Filipino’s web site too.

You’ll see something called the “Asian IRC Ring”. It has to do with the chat rooms. The most horrible thing about this is that these TRASHY people are trying to associate themselves with Asia again!! People in Asia don’t act like this at all. What we are seeing here is the natural Filipino in its element with full access to technology and this is how they act! You will consistently see this behavior over and over again.

Another interesting thing is that these “third world” people also frequent RC chat rooms such as Chinese, Japan and Asian. They must believe that they are somehow related racially or culturally to North Asians. But it’s completely WRONG! There might have been some distant contact With China and even less with Japan during World War II, but these people are actually more closely related to African Americans and Mexican Americans.

Do the parents of these young Filipinos know what’s going on? Would they accept this? I believe that they would and do. This is the natural “Trash” element in Filipinos manifesting itself. Nothing good has ever come from Philippines and I don’t believe anything good ever will.

Recognizing your Roots (A Message to Filipinos). To all Filipino people: Please recognize your ROOTS! You come from the Third World ! You country is a disgusting and filthy place. Most people there live in poverty! Your culture has MUCH MORE SPANISH influence than Chinese, and absolutely no JAPANESE influence whatsoever. People in Japan and China , d o not act like you. They do not constantly talk about sex and they have a MUCH HIGHER level of RESPECT for each other. There is NO WAY that you can connect yourself to Asia other than location.

Your culture and technological advancement does no! t even come CLOSE to What Chinese, people have done in the past and what Japanese and Korean people are doing now! Everything you do is distinctly Filipino. You cannot take credit for Japanese cars, video games, or Hentai! It’s not an “Asian thing” it’s an “American thing”. You have no concept of culture…no concept of Asian ideas or Asian philosophy! Can you demonstrate how you use Confucianism or Taoism in you everyday life?? You can’t. And you will NEVER be able to.

I understand that you are trying to create an identity for yourselves as young people… but it is NOT related to Asia. Your Identity is Filipino.

That’s all you are. Just Filipino. Think about what that means.

See Part 2 of this story for Art's letter to his listeners and a retraction

Art Bell's Response and A Retraction

Story Part 2 of 2

This is Art Bell’s Letter and reaction to The Alleged Hate Letter to the Filipino people

(Note the retraction links are no longer valid)
Re: Hate Letter from Art Bell

Posted By Belle (Philippines)
Date 10 October 2004

In Response To: It’s a hoax! (Laowai In China)

After receiving an email containing the alleged Hate letter from Art Bell, I was initially outraged by the hateful contents of his letter. I wanted to find out more about the creep who authored such a sick letter! I searched for more information about him in the internet, and here’s what I was able to gather:



Over the last three years someone has been posting a malicious letter about Filipino’s with the subject: “Filipinos Make Me Puke”. In an attempt to smear Art Bell, someone took this Hate Message from a web site (now defunct), anonymously posted it to the Internet and signed Art Bell’s name and address to it. Every few months it gets posted again and again on newsgroups and e-mail lists, with additional hateful language to incite Filipino Internet users to respond to Art Bell.


Art Bell is as much a victim of this hoax as you are. In fact, he is married to a Filipina and has the highest regard for the Philippine people. He is as offended by the contents of this email as you are. He has posted these facts on his website and has responded to every single email from any of you with the truth and the facts. Still, the vicious anti-Filipino email keeps circulating and angry Filipinos keep emailing Art!


Most recently, on July 1, 2001 the email attributed to Art Bell surfaced in a show business column in the Philippine Daily Inquirer, without the writer bothering to check the validity of the story. Two days later, July 3, the same column was taken up by a retraction and an apology, which the paper will run every day of the week, through July 8th. Please go to to see this retraction, as well as the statement from Premiere Radio Networks, the company that syndicates Art Bell’s radio program, Coast to Coast, and Art’s statement about the most recent developments in this
outrageous fraud.

The Philippine Daily Inquirer has now become a victim of this same hoax. They are doing the right thing by printing a retraction. Now, we need you to do the RIGHT THING.

Set the record straight. PLEASE FORWARD THIS MESSAGE to all your friends.

Post this far and wide in your Filipino communities. Stop spreading Filipino hate. The bogus email is like a virus, causing mayhem and havoc in your community and in the life of ART BELL, WHO IS INNOCENT. We need your help to fight the spread of this HOAX. Please spread this warning wherever you see any version of the hate letter about Filipinos with Art Bell’s name attached.

Delete the hateful email and FORWARD THIS EMAIL AS YOUR RESPONSE. Direct your friends to for the facts.

You are doing your fellow Filipinos a disservice by not warning them; by allowing them to be DUPPED and ABUSED by the hateful language and the fraud that is being perpetrated on Art Bell.



AN Open Letter to My Listeners
July 1, 2001
Another event in the seemingly never ending strange series of events in my life occurred, which will prevent me from being on the air this week. A horrible Racist article which has been on the Internet for almost three years, despite all our best efforts, has just been published by the Philippine Daily Inquirer (The largest circulation Newspaper in that country). This has resulted in hundreds of e-mails and death threats to me and my family. Even the slightest effort on their part, would have resulted in the truth before rushing to publish. The article appeared in the Entertainment section of the Sunday edition (July 1, 2001).
As many of you I hope are aware, I DID NOT WRITE this trash and never would, in fact my wife is half Filipino. It was originally sent from a computer located at U.C.S.D. in southern California. They have sent a apology which has been posted on this website (see below) for almost three years. Over that period of time EVERY inquiry has been answered by myself, my Webmaster and the Network.

We are presently taking all legal steps possible, however in the meantime there is a very real physical danger to my family and myself. This will require my full time attention for the moment. The Newspaper (as of this writing) still, has NOT published a Retraction, even though they have been served with a Demand Letter to do so.

The newspaper’s e-mail addresses are,,, should you care to help, by urging them to promptly retract this dangerous, reckless, thoughtless article. See you soon.
Art & Ramona Bell