Saturday, November 18, 2006

Watch Carefully

They say there is a ghost like figure moving around in the upper left frame....See if you can spot it.

Flying Creature Video

OK! This really is weird.

Flying Creature - video powered by Metacafe

Note Worthy Weird Stuff

The Paranormal- Ghosts- Spirits-or just weird stuff!

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And while you are here.........

Check out our story on Art Bell and his alleged hate letter to the Filipino people

Talk With Ghosts EVP Explained

Electronic voice phenomena (EVP) are anomalous voices of unknown origin, heard or recorded through the use of radios, tape recorders or other electronic audio devices. The voices are often claimed to have a paranormal origin and have been attributed to communications from ghosts or spirits or sometimes aliens. EVP proponents speculate that some electronic devices may be able to pick up ghostly communications that are often inaudible to the human ear.Skeptics say there are prosaic explanations for the phenomenon rather than communication from ghosts, spirits or other paranormal sources.

According to its proponents, the basic assumption behind EVP is the belief that spirits or other entities may find it easier to create noise that is inaudible to the human ear (which can nevertheless be picked up by recording devices) than to move solid physical objects, speak through mediums, or use other means of communication.

Critics say EVPs are likely created by interference from nearby items that emit noise on low-level frequencies, such as CB radios or through cross modulation. Additionally, critics say some of the "voices" people believe have been caught on tape are likely fueled by human nature's propensity to try to make sense out of random patterns — in this case, noise

About the American Association of Electronic Voice Phenomena

What is the AA-EVP?

The American Association of Electronic Voice Phenomena (AA-EVP) is a nonprofit educational association that is dedicated to the support of people who are interested in or who are studying Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) and Instrumental TransCommunication (ITC).  This web site offers examples, techniques and concepts concerning Phenomena.

Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) concerns unexpected voices found in recording media.  It is a form of after death communication. ITC is a newer term that includes all of the ways these unexpected voices and images are collected through technology, including EVP.  Of the many hypotheses designed to explain these phenomena, the Survival Hypothesis has been found to be most effective in answering the evidence.


Friday, November 17, 2006

Steve Irwin's Death

Sorry about the last post of this video getting deleted. I have since reposted it here.

Steve Irwin's Death - video powered by Metacafe

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Global Warming Caused by Flat Screen TV's

This is the season of giving, and a lot of people are going to ask for a new television for Christmas. But flat screen TVs could pump hundreds of thousands of tons of extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, contributing to global warming.

In the Independent, Ben Russell warns that these new televisions could increase emissions by 700,000 tons a year by 2010. This is not because the new sets actually emit CO2 gas, it's because they use so much more power, and producing all that electricity is what increases CO2 emissions.

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Space Elevator

Kelly Young writes in New Scientist that space elevators could be a cheap way to get cargo and possibly people into space one day. This could be especially important if we establish colonies on the Moon or even Mars.

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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The Origin OF Christmas

Christmas has its origins in several pagan holidays. The Roman celebration known as Saturnalia included the making and giving of small presents (saturnalia et sigillaricia). This holiday was observed over a series of days beginning on December 17 (the birthday of Saturn), and ending on December 25 (the birthday of Sol Invictus (the "unconquered sun"). The combined festivals resulted in an extended winter holiday season. Business was postponed and even slaves feasted. There was drinking, gambling and singing, and nudity was relatively common. It was the "best of days," according to the poet Catullus.

During the time in which Christianity was spreading throughout the Roman Empire, another similar religion known as Mithraism was also gaining widespread acceptance. The followers of Mithraism worshipped Mithras, a god of Persian origin, who was identified with Sol Invictus. The followers of Mithraism, consequently, adopted the birthday of Sol Invictus as the birthday of Mithras. In 274 AD, due to the popularity of Mithraism, Emperor Aurelian designated December 25 as the festival of Sol Invictus.

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